Although it may seem like a game in your local pub is an ideal way of getting in some practice, most darts players will tell you that the only way to improve your game and technique is to practice by yourself. Competitive games in the pub are actually where you put this practice to use.
However, to complicate matters further, many professional darts players will advise not to practice 301, 501 or cricket by yourself, as you might become bored and frustrated with the game as you play. Instead, you should aim to hit particular scores (e.g. bullseyes, doubles, singles and triples) a certain amount of times each, so that you become experienced at hitting your required shot every time you throw the dart.
A great deal of mental ability goes into playing darts, and therefore you need to be able to develop this mental concentration. One of the main qualities that should be cultivated is confidence. If you think that you can do it, there is a much greater likelihood that you will be able to pull off your shot.
Developing your own technique, grip and stance is vital for your performance. Take time to see which one suits you best and provides you with the best throw, as well as observing other skilled darts players. Focus on how they throw with ease and try and recreate this with your own style, but try not to solely imitate them. Instead, try and develop what is best for you.
Make sure that you develop and maintain a correct stance. One of the key ways to be able to throw consistently good darts is by having a steady arm. Try and keep your upper and lower body fixed in place, and do not allow a swing when you throw the dart. Darts need minimal strength to reach the board and all the power used to throw the dart should come from your fingers, wrist and arm, not from the rest of your body. Many players think that if the dart misses the board or hits lower than aimed for it is due to lack of power. However, this is more to do with the accuracy of the aim and the follow-through.
Some beginners develop a little hop or push when they start to throw darts, and it is essential that this habit is broken straight away as it will be much harder to break later in your darts playing career. Others will try and lean over the line. Gaining these few inches is not worth it in terms of losing your balance and stability, and it will also be more physically demanding for your body. Again, this habit should be broken as soon as possible.
Legs and feet should be kept in a solid, relaxed and stable position, with one foot forward but your weight equally balanced. The foot which you place forward should be your dominant one, and correlate to which arm you use to throw the dart. If you lean too much to one side this can make you tired during the game, which will make you less accurate. Also, avoid lifting the back of your feet off the floor, as this will affect your entire throw.
One of the best ways to see if you are adopting a correct pose is to throw a few rounds of triple 20s. Then attempt to throw some triple 20s with your eyes closed. You will have a much better idea of your balance and movement when your eyes are closed, and will be able to tell if you are moving too much or managing to keep your body still. Another way to check your throw is to videotape yourself playing darts. This will truly highlight any problems you may have with your posture and movement.
How to hold the dart
The dart should be held at a level position, with the elbow up at a straight angle. Do not hold the dart at an angle, but keep it pointed towards the board. The purpose of the grip is to hold the dart pointing towards the board and, although it sounds easy, you need to make sure that is your focus.
Your grip should be solid and relaxed; do not put any tension into your fingers, and if they start to turn white when you are holding the dart then you are holding it too tight. Grasp the dart loosely so that it will not slide out of your hand, while keeping it firm to allow for accuracy. Most problems occur from the dart being held too tightly rather than too loosely.
Use two fingers and your thumb to hold the dart with. If you use any more fingers then it may feel more secure but will actually make the release harder, and you may get them caught on the flight. Spread the rest of your fingers so that you are not tempted to use them. This will also allow for a more effective release.
Do not throw the dart as you would with other objects, instead you are aiming to place it into the dartboard. A good way to measure if you are throwing the dart too hard is to check how far the dart is entering the dartboard. The front of the dart panel should never touch the dartboard, and if it does you are throwing it too hard.
Do not put any spin on the dart either when you throw it. When you throw the dart, make sure that the thumb and fingers leave it at the same time. If the thumb leaves it first it will roll off the fingers, causing it to spin. Keep your fingers and thumb pointing towards the dartboard as you aim and throw the dart, this will stop the fingers from touching the flight as it leaves your hand.
The key to playing good darts is consistency. Build this through practice, but do not over-practice. If you are throwing many bad darts it could begin to get demoralising, and a good state of mind is essential for good play.
Use sandpaper to keep the tips of your darts sharp. Rub them lengthways whilst rotating them.
Make sure you stretch before you start playing. This will loosen your muscles and therefore reduce the amount of time you need to throw warm up darts.
Develop a good breathing technique that will improve your concentration, clear your mind and promote a good posture.
When you reach 100, you are only within a few doubles of reaching zero, so be careful about which scores you aim to hit. It is best to aim for even numbers, as players often get into trouble when they score odds. Take time and effort over each shot, and do not race.
If you are left with an off number, aim to hit only odd numbers from then on, as this will give you a better chance of getting down to zero
Sabtu, 30 Ogos 2008
Playing of darts in the recent years has come up as a great recreational activity, and along with it also as a good sport for everybody, ranging from young to old. However, along with this there is a need to know the technicalities or the technique of throwing darts, or else it may appear to be challenging. How to proceed then? Now, at the very outset, when there is a need to know or learn the technique of throwing darts, you should bear in mind that the dart travels through a curve. Besides this the speed with which the dart is thrown should continue the movement until it reaches and strikes the dartboard or the goal.
Not only this, more aspects should be learnt. Of this the most important is that the saga of throwing of darts is completed through five stages, namely, aiming, backward move, and acceleration, release and a follow through. Now at the time of making the aim, make it a point that all of the dart, the eye and the target remain in a same line. The backward movement of the dart has to be done bit by bit and by controlling the aim, which normally comes with practice. You should also give attention to acceleration, though it is not essential, but simultaneously has to be done very smoothly, allowing it to go along with the follow through.
Remember if the basic technique of your throw remains accurate, the proper release comes naturally. Follow through is keeping the same position for a while, even after release, that is to aim at the target. In addition, to get the best results while throwing darts and to avoid the dart from wobbling, it is better for you to use normal form flights and middle length shafts. Lastly, to get the best throw, the darts should not point too much upward or downward.
Not only this, more aspects should be learnt. Of this the most important is that the saga of throwing of darts is completed through five stages, namely, aiming, backward move, and acceleration, release and a follow through. Now at the time of making the aim, make it a point that all of the dart, the eye and the target remain in a same line. The backward movement of the dart has to be done bit by bit and by controlling the aim, which normally comes with practice. You should also give attention to acceleration, though it is not essential, but simultaneously has to be done very smoothly, allowing it to go along with the follow through.
Remember if the basic technique of your throw remains accurate, the proper release comes naturally. Follow through is keeping the same position for a while, even after release, that is to aim at the target. In addition, to get the best results while throwing darts and to avoid the dart from wobbling, it is better for you to use normal form flights and middle length shafts. Lastly, to get the best throw, the darts should not point too much upward or downward.
Jumaat, 29 Ogos 2008
Selasa, 26 Ogos 2008
Ahad 25 Ogos 2008 - 'G4S' (Group 4 Securicor), sebuah syarikat tempatan telah mengadakan
pertandingan dart bagi kaki-tangan syarikat ini buat kali ke-4. Perlawanan dart untuk kaki-tangan syarikat ini adalah merupakan aktiviti sukan dan sosial bagi merapatkan silatur rahim antara pekerja syarikat tersebut.
Awang Abu Omar bin Hj Maidin telah mejuarai pertandingan ini, sementara naib juaranya ialah Awg Asmadi bin Asmad dan
tempat ke tiga dimenagi oleh Awg Mahmud Hj Jakuddin, Turut hadir bagi menyaksikan pertandingan tersebut ialah Mr. Ambrose Nathan, Pengrus Am Syarikat G4S.
Hadiah-hadiah kemenangan telah diampaikan oleh Lt (B) Erma Ilyani binti Hamidon, Penolong Pengurus Am Syarikat G4S.
Ahad, 24 Ogos 2008
Khamis, 21 Ogos 2008
Berakas, 21 Ogos 2008 – Persatuan Darts Kebangsaan Brunei (Brunei National Darts Assosiations) hari ini menghantar pasukannya ke Malaysia untuk menyertai Kejohanan Darts Terbuka Malaysia Ke-28 2008. Kejohanan tersebut akan beralangsung pada hari Jumat 22 Ogos 2008 bertempat di Everly Resort Hotel, Jalan Tanjung Kling, Melaka.
Pasukan Darts Kebangsaan Brunei bergambar ramai bersama Hj Zamir bin Dato Paduka Hj Hamdani, Pegawai Tugas-tugas Khas di Jabatan Kebajikan Belia dan Sukan (empat dari kanan) sejurus selepas upacara penyampaian bendera
Bergambar bersama pemilik syarikat The Bull's Darts Sport House Pg Sanusi Affendi Pg DP Hj Damit (berbaju putih, empat dari kiri)
Seramai 9 orang ahli BNDA berangkat meninggalkan Lapangan Terbang Antara Bangsa Berakas yang terdiri dari, Zaini bin Kudi (Presiden BNDA), Hj Adanan bin Hj Abd Kadir (Pengurus Pasukan), Abdul Manaf bin Hj Mohd Yusuf (Ketua Pasukan), Amiruddin bin Hj Abdi Manaf, Zamadi bin Yusuf, Hj Azmi bin Hj Julaihi, Mohammad bin Metussin, Zaini bin Hj Alias dan Hjh Intan bte Hj Ahmad (peserta perseorangan wanita)

Seramai 9 orang ahli BNDA berangkat meninggalkan Lapangan Terbang Antara Bangsa Berakas yang terdiri dari, Zaini bin Kudi (Presiden BNDA), Hj Adanan bin Hj Abd Kadir (Pengurus Pasukan), Abdul Manaf bin Hj Mohd Yusuf (Ketua Pasukan), Amiruddin bin Hj Abdi Manaf, Zamadi bin Yusuf, Hj Azmi bin Hj Julaihi, Mohammad bin Metussin, Zaini bin Hj Alias dan Hjh Intan bte Hj Ahmad (peserta perseorangan wanita)
LAMBAK 19 Ogos 2008, The Bulls Darts Sport House hari ini menyerahkan sumbangan tajaan kepada Persatuan Darts Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam. Sumbangan tajaan yang berupa baju untuk pasukan Persatuan Darts Kebangsaan Brunei yang akan berangkat ke Melaka bagi menyertai kejohanan dart di sana adalah merupakan tanda

Setiausaha Persatuan Dart Kebangsaan Brunei ketika menerima tajaan baju pasukan
komitmen The Bull's Darts Sport House bagi terus memberikan sokongan dan galakkan kepada peminat sukan ini khusunya dalam usaha kearah memajukan dan mengembangluaskan bidang sukan dart di negara ini. Sejauh ini, The Bull's Darts Sports House telah beberapakali menghulurkan tajaan yang berupa hadiah dan lain-lain di acara-acara perlawanan dart yang berlangsung di primis syarikat ini.

komitmen The Bull's Darts Sport House bagi terus memberikan sokongan dan galakkan kepada peminat sukan ini khusunya dalam usaha kearah memajukan dan mengembangluaskan bidang sukan dart di negara ini. Sejauh ini, The Bull's Darts Sports House telah beberapakali menghulurkan tajaan yang berupa hadiah dan lain-lain di acara-acara perlawanan dart yang berlangsung di primis syarikat ini.
Selasa, 19 Ogos 2008
LAMBAK 15 Ogos 2008 - Sejumlah sepuloh buah pasukan yang mewakili kementerian-kementarian Negara Brunei Darussalam berentap untuk merebut juara dalam Kejohanan Sukan Dart Antara Kementerian -kementarian Negara Brunei Darussalam, anjuran Jabatan Belia dan Sukan dengan kerjasama Persatuan Dart Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam. Kejohanan ini adalah merupakan diantara acara sukan yang dipertandingkan dalam Sukan Kementerian-kementerian Negara Brunei Darussalam sesi 2007/2008. Kejohanan dart ini berlangsung di The Bull’s Darts Sport House, Kompleks Pg Hj Damit Sungoh, Kampong Lambak, bermula sejak 13 Ogos yang lalu. Acara pembukaan kejohanan sukan dart ini telah dirasmikan oleh tetamu kehormat, Yang Mulia Pg Sabri bin Pg Hj Mohamad, Timbalan Pengarah Belia dan Sukan.

Empat buah pasukan yang masing-masing mewakili Kementerian Perhubungan, Kementerian Pembangunan, Kementerian Pertahanan dan Kementerian Perindusterian dan Sumber-sumber Utama telah melayakkan diri untuk bertanding di peringkat akhir. Pertandingan peringkat akhir berlangsung di venu yang sama iaitu pada hari Jumat 15 Ogos 2008. Hadir selaku tetamu kehormat, seterusnya menyempurnakan penyampaian hadiah di pertandingan peringkat akhir tersebut ialah Yang Mulia Awg Hj Abd Malik bin Hj Mohamad, Ketua Pegawai Belia dan Sukan. Turut hadir menyaksikan pertandingan akhir tersebut ialah pegawai-pegawai dari Kementerian Kebudayaan Belia dan Sukan Negara Brunei Darussalam.
Pasukan dari Kementerian Pembangunan telah muncul sebagai Juara, sementara naib juara di rebut oleh Pasukan Kementerian Perhubungan. Pasukan Kementerian Perindusterian dan Sumber-sumber Utama mendapat tempat ke-tiga dan Pasukan Kemeterian Pertahanan di tempat yang ke-empat.

Empat buah pasukan yang masing-masing mewakili Kementerian Perhubungan, Kementerian Pembangunan, Kementerian Pertahanan dan Kementerian Perindusterian dan Sumber-sumber Utama telah melayakkan diri untuk bertanding di peringkat akhir. Pertandingan peringkat akhir berlangsung di venu yang sama iaitu pada hari Jumat 15 Ogos 2008. Hadir selaku tetamu kehormat, seterusnya menyempurnakan penyampaian hadiah di pertandingan peringkat akhir tersebut ialah Yang Mulia Awg Hj Abd Malik bin Hj Mohamad, Ketua Pegawai Belia dan Sukan. Turut hadir menyaksikan pertandingan akhir tersebut ialah pegawai-pegawai dari Kementerian Kebudayaan Belia dan Sukan Negara Brunei Darussalam.
Pasukan dari Kementerian Pembangunan telah muncul sebagai Juara, sementara naib juara di rebut oleh Pasukan Kementerian Perhubungan. Pasukan Kementerian Perindusterian dan Sumber-sumber Utama mendapat tempat ke-tiga dan Pasukan Kemeterian Pertahanan di tempat yang ke-empat.
Sabtu, 16 Ogos 2008
Pertandingan yang berjalan sejak 13 Ogos,merupakan detik kenangan yang penuh debaran. Kemunculan peserta-peserta yang berpotensi di arena sukan dart di Negara ini memang tidak dapat dipertikaikan. Walaupun seketika dulu, kemunculan pemain dan penggemar sukan dart ini hanya dapat dilihat di waktu waktu tertentu, dengan bilangan primis yang terhad yang mampu menyediakan keperluan bagi memperkembangluaskan sukan yang mencabar ini.
Seketika dulu, sukan dart mungkin telah disalah ertikan sebagai permainan yang hanya diminati oleh segelintir kelumpuk masyarakat yang suka berfoya di kelab atau lounge yang menyediakan atau menawarkan jualan minuman keras (alcohol), namun minda masyarakat yang sentiasa berkembang sejajar dengan perkembangan dunia IT sedikit sebanyak memberikan perubahan positif disamping ujudnya kesedaran masyarakat untuk terus berdaya saing di bidang apa jua pun, lebih-lebih lagi di arena sukan yang memerlukan kesihatan mental yang tidak dipengaruhi oleh dadah dan minuman yang memabukkan. Ini telah dapat dibuktikan dengan penyertaan penggemar sukan dart di kejohanan yang berlangsung baru baru ini.
Kejohanan dart yang berlangsung sejak beberapa hari yang lalu ini merupakan sebahagian dari acara yang di pertandingkan dalam sukan Kementerian-kementarian Negara Brunei Darussalam Sesi 2007/2008. Kejohanan yang dianjurkan oleh Jabatan Kebajikan Belia dan Sukan, Kementerian Kebudayaan Belia dan Sukan, dengan kerjasama Persatuan Dart Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam ini telah menarik bilangan penyertaan yang begitu ramai dan amat menggalakkan. Usaha kearah memajukan sukan dart dinagara ini kian mendapat perhatian dan sambutan lebih-lebih lagi dengan adanya kemudahan tempat permainan dan pertandingan seperti yang ditawarkan oleh The Bull’s, yang mampu menampung keramiaan penyertaan dan pengunjung.
Tetamu Kehormat, Pg Sabri bin Pg Hj Mohamad, Penolong Pengarah Belia dan Sukan beramah mesra dengan peserta
Upacara pembukaan bagi kejohanan dart ini yang berlangsung pada 13 Ogos yang lalu dirasmikan oleh Yang Mulia Pg Sabri bin Pg Hj Mohamad, Penolong Pengarah Belia dan Sukan.
Seketika dulu, sukan dart mungkin telah disalah ertikan sebagai permainan yang hanya diminati oleh segelintir kelumpuk masyarakat yang suka berfoya di kelab atau lounge yang menyediakan atau menawarkan jualan minuman keras (alcohol), namun minda masyarakat yang sentiasa berkembang sejajar dengan perkembangan dunia IT sedikit sebanyak memberikan perubahan positif disamping ujudnya kesedaran masyarakat untuk terus berdaya saing di bidang apa jua pun, lebih-lebih lagi di arena sukan yang memerlukan kesihatan mental yang tidak dipengaruhi oleh dadah dan minuman yang memabukkan. Ini telah dapat dibuktikan dengan penyertaan penggemar sukan dart di kejohanan yang berlangsung baru baru ini.
Kejohanan dart yang berlangsung sejak beberapa hari yang lalu ini merupakan sebahagian dari acara yang di pertandingkan dalam sukan Kementerian-kementarian Negara Brunei Darussalam Sesi 2007/2008. Kejohanan yang dianjurkan oleh Jabatan Kebajikan Belia dan Sukan, Kementerian Kebudayaan Belia dan Sukan, dengan kerjasama Persatuan Dart Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam ini telah menarik bilangan penyertaan yang begitu ramai dan amat menggalakkan. Usaha kearah memajukan sukan dart dinagara ini kian mendapat perhatian dan sambutan lebih-lebih lagi dengan adanya kemudahan tempat permainan dan pertandingan seperti yang ditawarkan oleh The Bull’s, yang mampu menampung keramiaan penyertaan dan pengunjung.
Upacara pembukaan bagi kejohanan dart ini yang berlangsung pada 13 Ogos yang lalu dirasmikan oleh Yang Mulia Pg Sabri bin Pg Hj Mohamad, Penolong Pengarah Belia dan Sukan.
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